
An error consists of an error code and a message, the messages is not always that obvious. Therefore we’ve listed some of the common errors here and a longer description of why the error occurs.

We will continue to add errors information to this list, please bare with us until we’ve published all.

Error Codes

1000003System exceptionSomething went wrong on our end, please contact our support
1000030Invalid response type The provided response type(Accept) was invalid.
1000031Invalid content typeThe provided content type was invalid.
2000106Värdet måste vara alfanumeriskt ({Value})The value needs to be alphanumeric.
2000108Värdet måste vara numeriskt ({Value})The value needs to be numeric.
2000134Värdet måste vara en boolean ({Value})The value needs to be boolean
2000310Ogiltig inloggning The Client-Secret or the Access-Token is either missing or is incorrect.
2000311Kan inte logga in, access-token eller client-secret saknas(2).The Client-Secret or the Access-Token is either missing or is incorrect.
2000359Värdet innehåller ej tillåtna tecken. ({Value})The value contains invalid characters.
2000588Ogiltig parameter i anropet.A parameter is invalid. Read more about parameters in the Parameters page.
2000637Kundnummer 1 används redan. Kundnumret har redan använts men blivit raderat.Customer number 1 is/has already been used and is reserved even if it has been deleted.
2000729A valid identifier was not provided.A valid identifier was not provided.
2001103Api-licens saknas.The requested Fortnox account does not have a license to use the API.
2001392Ingen eller felaktig typ av data.The request body was empty or contained incorrect data.
2001740Inläsning av dokument misslyckades: {Message} The XML object contained an error.
2002115Error deserializing JSON: JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX The JSON object contained an error.
2001304Kunde inte hitta konto Could not find Account used in the request/attached to an element.
2001399Felaktigt fältnamnInvalid Field name
2001101Det finns ingen aktiv licens för önskat scope There is no active licens for the desired scope.
2000663Har inte behörighet för scopeNo access to the current scope.
2003095Det saknas ett förvalt konto för Inköp SE, omvänd skattskyldighetAccount is missing for Purchase SE reversed tax liability, in predefined accounts.
2000755Leverantörsfakturan balanserar inteSupplier invoice debit and credit does not balance
2003115Momsrader för momstyp REVERSE måste vara märkta med motsvarande CODETax Rows for VAT type REVERSE must be marked with CODE
2003124Enbart ordrar som levererats ut kan klarmarkeras Only order that has been delivered can be marked as warehouseready
2003125Ett klarmarkerat dokument kan inte ändras A document that has been set to warehouseready can not be modified.
2003126Utleveransdatum kan inte vara senare än dagens datumDelviered date can not be later than todays date.
2003241Migrering är redan påbörjad eller avslutadMigration has allready been started or finished.
2003275Ej autentiseradNot authorized
2003277Hittades inte i lagermodulenWas not found in the warehouse module.
2003399Dokumentet är makulerat i lagermodulenThe document is voided in the warehouse module
2003127Ett fel uppstod i lagermodulen An error has occured in the warehouse module
2000204, 2000433 Kunde inte hämta/hitta kund (kundnummer)The customer in the request is not available in the customer resource.
2001302, 2000428Kunde inte hitta artikel/Kan inte hitta artikelnCould not find article used in request

Error cases during Oauth2 authorization flow

Missing integration license for customer:error=error_missing_license, error_description=Resource owner is not licensed for the requested scope
Missing app license (buyable app) for customer:error=error_missing_app_license, error_description=Resource owner does not have enough licenses.
Trying to exchange an authorization code towards /auth instead of /token:HTTP 403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. No more information will be given.

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